Department of Defence Vacancies - CareersTime 2020


REF NO: SG 03/19/22 (X31 POSTS)
SALARY : R102 534 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Military Health Training Formation HQ, Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria
ABET or Grade 10 with relevant experience. Special requirements (skills needed): Communicate effectively. Must be physically healthy.
Clean the interior of buildings, dust and polish furniture, pick up rubbish, empty garbage containers and take content to waste arrear for removal. Vacuum and clean carpets, curtains and floors, wash windows, wash ablution facilities remove dust and dirt from ceilings, walls, overhead pipes and fixtures, sweep floors.
ENQUIRIES : Maj D. Tshabalala Tel No: (012) 674 6125/6123 SSgt E.D. Shingira Tel No: (012) 674 6133/6132
Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Military Health Training Formation HQ, Private Bag X1043, Thaba Tshwane, 0143 or maybe hand delivered to Military Health Training Formation HQ, 9 Voortrekker Road, Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria. 

CLOSING DATE : 08 August 2020